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Netherlands: 1 day (Before 22:00, next day delivery)

Germany, Belgium, Austria: 1-2  business days

France: 1-3 business days

Rest of EU: 2-5 business days

Custom Items / Made to Order: Estimated is 2-4 weeks until delivery depended on your location and the demand


Orders shipped from our Local warehouse are tax included. All standard shipping & back-orders orders & worldwide express shipping are shipped DDU, “duties and taxes unpaid” from outside of the EU, and we do not collect the VAT, duties and/or taxes and cannot predict what your estimated charge may be.Customers are responsible for all applicable import duties and fees. In order to collect your package, additional charges must be paid to clear customs. As we ship to over 50 countries, some may require additional fees paid COD (Collect On Delivery). In this case the fees are paid to the local carrier. Panic Wave Stickers does not collect fees and has no control over what local governments charge.


To ensure fast dispatch times, once your order has been placed, we are unable to make changes or cancel your order. If you have made an error in your delivery address, please contact us immediately via email at

Any delivery date or time specified by us is a best estimate only and Panic Wave Stickers will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you through any reasonable or unavoidable delay in delivery. Once shipped, Panic Wave Stickers  does not take responsibility of loss or damaged items during transit. In the unlikely event your order is not received within the expected delivery time frame.

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